Sunday, November 4, 2007

Week 6 things, late again

Hi all,

well late again, but have had a good play today :) It just shows you that even for someone like me who uses the net a lot, that you do get bogged down in you own little square and sometimes forget to look outside it at what else is there. This was especially noticeable in looking at things like delicious, and in just looking at their Hot List, theres useful things like '10 cool ways to use paypal' and stuff like that.

Things like these tagging sites do indeed link you up to things that you probably wouldnt otherwise find. But i guess it comes down to getting around to finding all these different sites and actually taking the time to bookmark, tag and thus share sites with others. Its obvioulsy a great thing and its thanks to others taking the time that we have access to these. but its a change of mindset and culture.

talking of which one of the blogs on the PLCMCL2 profile on delish focusses on RSS feeds from libraries, which made me look afresh at this concept. Having set up some feeds of interest thru my own MyYahoo page, I can now appreciate certain benefits these have in keeping up with latest happenings.

Gotta say i thought technorati was too US-centric and full of fluff entertainment garbage. So i linked some RSS feeds of some good oz stuff like

i think we should have some time set aside within our regular work week to really play and keep up with all these online resources. any chance the learning 2.0 team could provide some ongoing update e-letters on hot sites/ resources, after the program is finished?


Sunday, October 21, 2007

week 5, better late than never :) lol

well ive finally looked at the week 5 things, about 2 weeks late. *sigh* ah well. library thing was interesting. i think the main useage i can see for myself will be to keep track of books I want to read, and in a perfect world, would have time to read right away, but which generally have to go on the 'to read' pile. that is a very big pile! and i often forget whats on it! so i might try popping them on library thing as i come across them, then I'll rate em as i read em. u can see my first 2 prospective reads here on my blog page.

Rollyo.... hmm interesting. dunno how much use I would make of it personally, but might be useful to direct people to. I just get the impression sometimes that some of these gadgety sites which supposedly make net useage more streamlined in some way, actually make it more convoluted. am i being a wet blanket..... ? ;-)

Monday, October 8, 2007

week 5

well its week 5 already. I had a play with the RSS and newsfeeds last week, but must admit that that stuff didnt really float my boat, dont think its something i'd really use.

this week tho i've started by playing with the DoppelMe avatar generator:

which supposedly generates a virtual 'you'! hehe. and there i am! over there on the right! or as near as i could get to me anyway. lol.

anyway, tomorrow i'm going to play with librarything and rollyo. they sound interesting!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Technology this week

well what has caught my atttention this week in tech terms? probably a great piece of software which was recommended to me to get clips off YouTube and into enable me to convert & dump them where ever, but especially onto my "Ipod Killer" :) The software is called "Video Piggy". google it and take a squiz. only costs US$25. well worth it! can now take all manner of great rare footage with me wherever i go!

take 2

OK, this is the second time I've set up a blog for Learning 2, as I did one in week one, then forgot what I called it before I got around to registering it. so somewhere in the cyber-ether, is my other, blank-blog. mind you, there ultimately probably won't be much more in this one!